I am being inspired by an article about using a 27MHz station master antenna on 40 &/or 80m by replacing the loading coil with a suitable one for the longer wavelength's.
This article calls for a 50mm dia coil of 2mm wire. The coils is tapped at 22 turns for 40m or 40 turns for 80m. I would like to extrapolate this out to make the thing useful on 160m, even if it is just a spot freq, say 1843KHz.
Now, I dont have 2mm wire, I have 1mm wire, 50mm pipe is no problem and I want to shift it down to 160m. Any advice on the possible number of turns required under my circumstances?
Hi Mark, You can probably try doubling the amount of turns for 160 meters however the antenna will be very inefficient being bottom loaded and so short.You will also need a few ground radials.If you don't have a lot of room try a few radials any length.If you email me I can give you some better details.. Kind Regards....Bob VK3ZL..
I would be very interested in ANY 160m antenna design that you know of that would fit into a "normal" surburban back yard, that also pleases the xyl hi hi.
I love the american designs, "160m antenna for limited space", just attach 3428 ft of wire to your 300 ft tower